Foster Discernment

Have you ever found yourself adrift… without direction… just being tossed to and fro on the tides of life?   Sometimes making a choice is not easy, but we all have to do it sometime or another.  

Choice involves evaluating the options available to you.  It’s much like setting out to sea.  Once the preparations for a voyage have been completed, and all the provisions have been brought aboard, your can button up the hatches, get out the charts, determine the course, and determine the compass heading.

Now the groundwork has been laid down… then the anchor is raised, cast off the mooring cast off, the sails set… and you’re underway!  Still one must realize there are consequences no matter what course you take. Do you know that not making a decision is actually a decision… to let the chips fall wherever they will is foolish.   

Decisions are made on the basis of what you personally want to see happen, but so often the more timid of us tend to defer the decision-making over to a more confident second party, who may not have your interests at heart.   

This is experience speaking, and about living a ‘creative’ reality!

Creativity comes into true usefulness when making decisions, because better solutions result by thinking creatively, commonly called thinking ’outside the box’. Creative thinking is essential to success.  So the one who wishes to be called confident needs to come from the realization that you actually have innate creativity as your best asset.  

Please take the time to refer back to the PRISMASCOPE Facet 1. Creative Potential. 

With the kind of personal confidence that comes from knowing you are creativeyou can decide things as simple as what kind of ice cream you want (chocolate, vanilla, or praline ripple), as well as the more complex challenges ahead of you.  You will have less bad consequences to fear, and you won’t be afraid to confront the unknown when you have trained yourself to think.  

So take responsibility into your own hands by making thoughful choices.  Step out from behind your security methods and comfort zone.  Be bold and courageous, and have a great life, my friends! 

Oh, and by the way… Bon Voyage, maties! 


Two ways to use Prismascope
in your Classroom or Organization…

Turn-Key Classes of various sizes
Pre-Packaged Curriculum

FOSTERING DISCERNMENT is the defining goal of CHOICE.

CHOICE tempers the light


“Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice.  It is not a thing to be waited for, but rather a thing to be achieved.”                                                         
-William Jennings Bryan

Do not be a child in your thinking… but in your thinking be mature. 
-1 Corinthians 14.20

Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge, not gold, for wisdom is better than choice gold, and all the things one might desire compare with her.                                                   
Proverbs 8:10-11



How do I tap into the power of PRISMASCOPE?

We offer 2 easy ways to take advantage of PRISMASCOPE products...

Turn-Key Classes of various sizes

Perfect for companies, schools, community centers or other institutions needing to install an arts or problem solving class series but don’t have a teacher ready to go. We provide an instructor and guest artist to administer the program and all the manuals, curriculum and materials lists required to run various lengths or durations of programs.

Pre-Packaged Curriculum

Perfect for Schools or Teachers looking to install an arts or problem solving class series. We provide the manuals, curriculum and materials lists required to run various lengths or durations of programs.

“Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do a good deed for someone without letting them know it (if they find out I did it, it won’t count). I will do two things that I know I should do but have been putting off. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt (they may be hurt, but today I will not show it).
