Acquire Perspective
We all have an invisible force within us we commonly refer to as ‘spirit’. Have you ever looked at the beauty and order found in nature and wondered if you fit into all this? Well, yes you do! We are all connected by forces beyond our understanding, and this connectedness makes us all part of a universal community defined as Natural Order.
We all have an invisible force within us we commonly refer to as ‘spirit’. Have you ever looked at the beauty and order found in nature and wondered if you fit into all this? Well, yes you do! We are all connected by forces beyond our understanding, and this connectedness makes us all part of a universal community defined as Natural Order.
Spirit originates a call within each of us to be part of a greater whole. My spirit calls out to yours in order to feel part of something. This isn’t about religion, but there is no denying something within each individual that wants for community. We need company, support, help, togetherness. And we need unity… for survival! This call of nature is basically tied into our basic survival instincts. So how does that look? Like family, like business, like social clubs, like church? It’s natural to want to gather together for support, for comfort, for safety… but in truth, there are also often dysfunctional relationships.
Truly, we are more tied to one another than we think, and for good reason most of the time. It gets right down to the fact that we human beings need each other, like it or not! But my point is this: we need to be conscious of the fact that there are both positive, and negative, resolves. And we need to set aside the time it takes to hear each other without personal bias keeping us locked into narrow perspectives.
Mark Twain wrote: “Loyalty to petrified opinion never broke a chain nor freed a human soul.”
Growth and maturity comes from maintaining a willing mind and an open heart, so we must always attempt to engage in respectful negotiations for all beings to arrive at positive solutions. That is why PrismaScope provides opportunities and the right environment for healthy dialogues regarding these concerns to take place.
Nature can be our best inspiration. Nature is both beautiful and orderly, two positive qualities we can all agree on. Begin there, and we will build unity… in our family, community, and nation.
Yes, we need unity for the survival, and for the good, of all species! Then we will do more than survive: we will thrive!
Two ways to use Prismascope
in your Classroom or Organization…

Turn-Key Classes of various sizes

Pre-Packaged Curriculum
NATURAL ORDER defines the light
Let there be light in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years.
-Genesis 1:14
Make me know your ways, oh Lord; Teach me your paths.
-Psalms 25:4
Lead me in your truth and teach me.
-Psalms 2:5

How do I tap into the power of PRISMASCOPE?
We offer 2 easy ways to take advantage of PRISMASCOPE products...
Turn-Key Classes of various sizes
Perfect for companies, schools, community centers or other institutions needing to install an arts or problem solving class series but don’t have a teacher ready to go. We provide an instructor and guest artist to administer the program and all the manuals, curriculum and materials lists required to run various lengths or durations of programs.

Pre-Packaged Curriculum
Perfect for Schools or Teachers looking to install an arts or problem solving class series. We provide the manuals, curriculum and materials lists required to run various lengths or durations of programs.