Encourage Learning
Have you ever considered life as a journey? If so, then you have come to realize that education is a daily, life-long endeavor, which means we truly can turn things around in our lives.
Often one can get in dispair that our circumstances, our path, led us to a dead end. We can feel stuck in the present negative circumstance.
Most people who seem very accomplished got to where they are through practice, not wishful thinking or innate talent. Sometimes success is just one class away from you. Practice is about doing, not quiting… learning relys on persistence, not slacking off…. and ultimate success comes through determination. And mistakes can be rectified.
Here’s where Education comes in: it can fill in the gaps in your in your ability. Education lays a foundation, and you fill in the space in between one pilar and the next.
This is what education is: learning. Learning broadens your understanding… like travel broadens your horizon. It truly is A Portal Of Possibility, and PRISMASCOPE exists to support that vital need.
Education is often a journey in itself, the preliminary learning process turning into a way to your goal. Now anyone can do that, it just takes some time and a commitment on your part.
Of course, only the curious will learn, and only the resolute will overcome the obstacles to learning. If life is all about the journey, then it pays to gather skills and knowledge.
Every successful journey beginning with careful, in-depth consideration for what supplies will be needed. What vessel can set sail on a journey without first being stocked with provisions needed along the way? Skills and knowledge are vital to survival out there on the high seas.
I have to admit, the quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence / logical quotient. I guess its because I like the old Willie Nelson song… ‘on the road again…!” I personally love to get back on the road again at every opportunity that presents itself!!!
So stock up, my fellow voyagers… there may be storms ahead! Be prepared!
After all, doesn’t it come back down to that old theme, life is really a journey? You betcha!
But that good. It makes for makes for an exciting reality.
Two ways to use Prismascope
in your Classroom or Organization…
Turn-Key Classes of various sizes
Pre-Packaged Curriculum
EDUCATION amplifies the light
“Only the curious will learn and only the resolute will overcome the obstacles to learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient.”
-Edmund S. Wilson (1895-1972)
Author, literary and social critic
Let all things be done for edification.
–1 Corinthians 14:26
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and your will find rest for your souls.
-Matthew 11:29
How do I tap into the power of PRISMASCOPE?
We offer 2 easy ways to take advantage of PRISMASCOPE products...Turn-Key Classes of various sizes
Perfect for companies, schools, community centers or other institutions needing to install an arts or problem solving class series but don’t have a teacher ready to go. We provide an instructor and guest artist to administer the program and all the manuals, curriculum and materials lists required to run various lengths or durations of programs.
Pre-Packaged Curriculum
Perfect for Schools or Teachers looking to install an arts or problem solving class series. We provide the manuals, curriculum and materials lists required to run various lengths or durations of programs.